
~My Story~

Today I'm going to tell you a little story about why I chose to become a photographer.

Starting out two years ago I got a lot of comments from those around me who were skeptical of anyone's abilities to run a full-time photography business. I've heard everything from the sarcastic "Wow okay, have fun with that" to "Photography isn't a real career and there is no way you can be successful." But what those people don't see is the power of imagery. I did not choose my career as an "easy route" or to "slack off" nor to avoid a more "serious" career choice. It is however, despite some peoples beliefs, a lot of hard work and many late nights editing. To me photography is so much more than a hobby. It is more than my work. It is a passion that lives deep within me. And this passion didn't form from just taking photos. It happened when I realized that capturing the beauty of the wonderful world all around us, as well as the beautiful people in it, is equally as important as a more traditional career. Through photography I can support those around me by enhancing all that is lovely. I think that preserving moments and boosting confidence in others is so important, as in today's society we often forget to stop and appreciate the little things in life that mean so much to us. We can often get lost in the crazy maze of life. Negativity, peer pressure and stress can often lead towards something much darker than life should ever be known for.

When I was in high school I enjoyed photography, but it never once occurred to me that this would be the path I would pursue. All I knew was that I wanted to do something with my life that would bring joy to others. I always had a deep appreciation for the arts, but my last few years of high school were focused solely on science and english courses, thinking that I would become a psychologist, a veterinarian or something else that would make a difference in the world.  Then one day all of that changed. I was out taking some photos of my little sister, and she said to me "Marina, I look so good in these- thank you!"

That was it. That was the moment it hit me. I knew all too well the struggle of the teen years in my own life, and the fact that now I get to watch my little sister grow up with this newfound confidence makes my heart smile so much. I realized then that I didn't need to be a psychologist or a vet to fulfill my dreams to support others through my work. Instead I can support the people I meet in a much more meaningful way- through capturing the most precious moments of their lives or simply by just celebrating with them the depths and beauty of their own individuality. I feel so truly blessed to be chasing my passion for life everyday by capturing beautiful moments for others. If I can show others how beautiful they truly are in my eyes and bring even the smallest glimmer of light into their lives- that's how I know I'm doing my job right. Success is not measured by the amount of dollars you make, but by the lives you impact. I believe life is about all the real in between moments that make us who we are today, and that's what I strive to capture. 

~Part II~

 I am a firm believer that everyone comes into my life for a reason.

When Maggie started following me on Instagram I knew instantly that I wanted to talk to this girl, get to know her, and help share her story. Maggie is an absolute sweetheart, and I wanted her session to include some of the things she loves most in life to suit her best. As a result we ended up in the poetry section of her favourite book store, then continued our adventure in the river valley until the sun had set. I wanted to encapsulate the positivity that Maggie strives for in life everyday. This is why Maggie inspires me. She has a drive so deep to reach that level of peace within herself. Although some days she might fall back down, she never gives up.

The struggle to be comfortable in our own skin is a daily battle for a lot of us, whether we struggle with body confidence, mental health or anxiety. As Mandy Hale once said, "Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as being stuck somewhere you don't belong." I know that trying to see life with a hopeful and positive perspective can be so difficult at times, but I cannot stress it's importance enough. Surrounding ourselves with the things we love like listening to a favorite song, reading inspirational poems, spending time with positive people, or even just taking a peaceful walk. Take time to stop for a moment and breathe in all that this beautiful world has to offer you. There are so many different little steps that we can take in our lives to better love ourselves, but it's completely subjective to every individual. Always do what's best for you. 

"Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you never could." - Rikki Rogers

To anyone going through hardships in life right now:



And to my new friend Maggie:

I can't wait to see what the future holds for such a strong, beautiful and amazing young woman.




~ To read more about Maggie's story, check out her blog here! ~